Thursday, June 5, 2008

Amusing & Interesting Replies

1)written by ez24get, June 05, 2008 | 13:44:57
The word “subsidy” has been brandished by the BN government as if it has so generously helped the rakyat and in doing so incurred losses. This simple example will help to explain the fallacy:

Ahmad is a fisherman. He sells a fish to you at $10 which is below the market value of $15. Let’s assume that he caught the fish from the abundance of the sea at little or no cost. Ahmad claims that since the market value of the fish is $15 and he sold you the fish for $10, he had subsidised you $5 and therefore made a loss of $5.

Question : Did Ahmad actually make a profit of $10 or loss of $5 which he claimed is the subsidy?

Ahmad makes a profit of $10 which is the difference of the selling price ($10) minus the cost price ($0 since the fish was caught from the abundance of the sea). There is no subsidy as claimed by Ahmad.

The BN government claims that it is a subsidy because the oil produced by Petronas is kept separated and treated as somebody else’s property (you know who). By right, the oil belongs to all citizens of the country and the government is a trustee for the citizens. So as in the above simple example, the BN government cannot claim that it has subsidised the citizen!

2)written by indianputra, June 05, 2008 | 11:11:32
"God willing I hope Malaysians will not demonstrate over this," he said, referring to fury over earlier hikes in a country where public transport is poor and most people are reliant on their cars.
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Don't bring God into the picture. No matter how mny times God tell you, you won't listen

3)written by csgcsg, June 05, 2008 | 11:19:24
1st you do stupid things like barring foreigners to spend in our country, then you take back the ruling and be a laughing jokes among Singaporean you stupid pm and gang

2nd you increase petrol by 78 cents, nice round up to rm 2.70 and you say you will review it monthly, so next month another 30 cents increase to make a better round number to rm 3?

stupid pm, you lied and corrupt your way to stay in power and what is your plan now? Are you going to raise up your oxford ape and bring down the oil price so Malaysians will think he is a saviour and vote him as pm?

So what if our petrol is still cheapest among the region? Is our car prices among the cheapest in the region? Is our benefits EQUAL among malaysians and equal among the region? Do you give our social welfare services like caring for the lower income group and retiree like Australia? How about our judiciary and parliament and police system? Are they also the lowest standard among the regions? You stupid baboon mr pm, you just play with people life as it was playing with your balls.

I am not highly educated as your top ministers mr bodohwi, but I do simple economics such as debit and credit and ROI, and I hopefully can manage my life properly without you inferring anymore. Be more transparent, when you invest our money, what are the returns. Don't keep telling we achieve growth 5% or 7% or 100%, no one gives a fuck about those numbers, unless the numbers translate to more cash incentive for us or cheaper vehicles or even cheaper petrol.

God bless your soul

4)written by EagleOne, June 05, 2008 | 11:53:33
Protest in KL!WHEN???

Dear Fak Lah, come and have a cup of coffee with me and I shall let you pay for it. Since you are in a generous mood (78cents inc.), maybe I'll let you treat me a bowl of laksa. I was back in my hometown last week(pop. 15000) and a bowl of noodle when from RM2.20 to RM2.70 (if you can't count,I'll bring along a calculator in case you think I'll lie to you if I say it's more than 20% inc.),and a plate of fried beehoon goes from Rm3.00 to Rm3.50. BTW, a cup of kopi-O is RM1.10 vs Rm 1.00...that's more than the 5% inflation rate you mentioned yesterday. Those prices in my hometown just went up only last month b4
your announcement. I wonder what it'll be the next time I goes home.
With your announcement, you've just increase the pop. of people in poverty level. Game for lunch, I'll let you buy also. try nasi campur. I wonder how much could Rm4.00 buys me. May I suggest lunch at Sungei Wang foodcourt, as Rm3.00 we can still have a small piece of meat plus two veg. of yr choice. It's still one of the cheapest in town.

I wish my boss were like me a 40% hike in salary..overnight!!!As far as I 'm concerned, I've not had that much of an inc. except from you. Now for dinner, guess I have to go to Sungei Wang again for dinner...ooops. I'll be stuck in the jam and to pay higher petrol for my motorbike...shit! no appetite already.

What am I gonna do with the spiraling prices of everything from rice,petrol, elect., oil, roticanai, pasar noodles, veg, etc...etc How am I going to cover for this price inc.? Ask for a raise from my boss? Get a second job? Join Dumno to rob the population? Sorry, can you tell me what to do to supplement my income so as to feed my wife and two school going children. Shit!. just struck me I'll have to pay more for their bus fares.

Super anyone!!! I'll have to skip this from now onwards as I must cut back on my
spending. I am really worry where all this is leading to down the road. In a few months time, not only I have to pay alot more for everything, I'll have to skimp on all my luxuries like outing with friends and even family members. The economy
is not doing well, politically, you're even worse off, the stock market is just like you...sleeping!! Sorry!

5)written by ratatosk, June 05, 2008 | 11:57:09
Lets all go out and buy a bicycle.
For family outings,lets invest in a bullock cart.
So BN, plse build bicycle lanes so we can go about our business in comparative safety.
Yay!!! Bicycle lanes!! I second this idea!

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